Kijiweni Productions, Upanga- Dsm.Films included “T-Junction”, “Vuta ni Kuvute” , designing sets and setting up props, Planning along with the director the artistic look of each shoot. Black Unicorn Studios- Masaki, Dsm. Worked with this studio on a film called “Her Life”, some very detailed sets and difficult designs, beautifully shown in this film. IP MEDIA- Mbezi Beach Designed the artwork in a Vodacom commercial in 2019, with many locations and sets. wanene Entertainment- Mikocheni Action movie called “Dragon Boyz” required a lot of planning for sets, action sequences and difficult-to-acquire props. TAKURA PRODUCTION (LOCAL FILM)- TANZANIA Film: Segere (2019) Art director and production manager for this local film. ART DIRECTOR (EXPERIENCE) MFDI (MEDIA FOR DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL) Masaki, dsm Films: Hadithi za Kumekucha (2016); Bahasha ((2018) PROPS MASTER (EXPERIENCE) MFDI (MEDIA FOR DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL) Masaki, dsm Series: Siri ya Mtungi, Season 2 BOSS PRODUCTIONS, LONDON- UK Film: Night of the Lotus (2015) PREMIER LIGNES TEIVISION- FRANCE