Kooky, wacky, and a little bit tacky! Gladness Kifaluka is one of the country’s top leading female comedians with a solid reputation for delivering fresh, innovative, edgy, and occasionally offensive material at premier locations worldwide. In association with Dstv, Gladness Kifaluka has been part of campaigns such as Burudani Bila Kikomo and Mlangoni to engage with the audience and monitor audience feedback. Gladness Kifaluka is known for her leading role as Pili in the comedy-drama series called Kitimtim on Maisha Magic Bongo. In addition, gladness Kifaluka does live comedy shows. She has been gracing Cheka Tu stage with various artists like Eric Omondi at Mlimani City every month. Gladness Kifaluka is known for her versatility and intelligent performance in Safari Yangu Series. Gladness is known for her comedy ability and excellent acting skill, leading her to obtain roles in Tv shows like Nyavu.